Sunday, November 20, 2011


Jordan has continued to desaturate all day today. This is it for Jordan. They either find out what's wrong in the next several hours or they've run out of options.

Pulmonary hypertension is the evil result of the hernia. Although Jordan's lungs are open tonight, his heart is unable to push blood through the lungs for adequate oxygenation. The result: Jordan is not getting enough oxygen to the rest of his body. The right side of his heart is overworking. The left side of his heart needs more blood to push to the rest of his body.

The cardiologist called us this evening to let us know Jordan is rapidly running out of options. They are going to give him a lung medication called Flolan to help relax the pulmonary vessels. This medication is not usually given to infants and is a last resort to help the heart not have to work so hard.

We feel like Jordan's body is working on something which is causing tension on his pulmonary vessels. They just haven't figured what is causing it since he was doing so well this morning. We continue to thank God for Jordan and hold hope dear.


  1. i seldom see comments, but i want you to know that many are reading and praying for you and little jordan.

    remember that God did not bring you - and jordan - this far to just abandon you. hold fast to hope.

  2. Lifting you all up. I am praying for wisdom for the doctors and peace for you all.

    The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
